[SPARCbook] solaris 7? solaris 9?

Koyote koyote at koyote.cx
Wed Sep 25 12:49:21 CDT 2002

somewhere, I *used* to have a copy of the tadpole soalris 7 stuff. The disk is eaten and I really don't want to spend that much money on another copy. Does anyone know if tadpole has (or might) released their packages for 7 for free?
I need to get some commercial software running for school that requires soalris 7 minimum, alas.

also- while hacking around at one point, I discovered that soalris 9 will happily install and run on a sparcbook 3gx, and even not run *too* hot. Of course, it lacks video drivers and other useful bits, so it's not terribly fun. And I don't have the ability to do this but- has anyone thought about putting together the drivers needed for solaris 9 on a sparcbook 3? (technically, it wants 96meg to install, but IIRC, it will install under 64meg ram, and it runs really quite nicely on ss5 110, so I have hopes that it could happen and be useful)


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