[rescue] Fwd: Wifi-Ethernet adapter on SPARC 10

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Wed Jul 17 19:16:19 CDT 2019

  Yes, RoamAbout, that was the one I was thinking of.  I'm pretty sure
it was rebadged NCR WaveLan hardware, or DEC-built but compatible with
the NCR system.  WaveLan ISA boards used an i82586 Ethernet controller
with an RF front-end, and they worked amazingly well.

  I've not had the pleasure of using those DEC/AT&T ones.


On 7/17/19 7:58 PM, Clem cole wrote:
> No. I had a couple of them too that was called RoamAbout.
> But DEC did the first real WiFi cards once it became a standard working with
> ATT.  They cost a lot more than the Compaq cards but the radio was the big
> difference
> After the Compaq-tion there was a small underground swapping for them. The
> compaq cards became what they shipped because they were cheaper.  Those of us
> in the know had a cache of about 100 of the cards and would trade things for
> them.  They worked so much better.
> Iirc they used a bit more power and drained the battery which was the one
> downside.  But they could connect to darned near an AP which at the time was
> important because most of the early APs basically sucked
> Sent from my PDP-7 Running UNIX V0 expect things to be almost but not quite.
>> On Jul 17, 2019, at 11:44 AM, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
>>> On 7/17/19 10:50 AM, Clem Cole wrote:
>>> I believe that I have still a compaq PCMCIA as well as a couple of the
>>> original DEC ones which worked better (much better radio) that were for
>>> the original laptops before they had WiFi built-in used used at DEC back
> in
>>> the day.  I have no idea if Sun supports either.
>>> Contact me off line, if there is interest.  They are gather dust in my
>>> attic.
>>  Are you talking about the pre-IEEE802.11 "WaveLan" cards, with the
>> external radio assembly?
>>             -Dave
>> --
>> Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
>> New Kensington, PA
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Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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