[rescue] what can you do with an Apple Quadro 840AV

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Tue Mar 27 14:59:42 CDT 2018

>> That makes this the fallout from a collision between Apple Mail's
>> (incorrect) assumption that UTF-8-encoded Unicode is suitable for
>> everyone and [...]
> UTF-8 encoded Unicode is, in fact, suitable for everyone these days.

That...turns out not to be the case.

Of course, you may choose to continue believing it anyway.

As an existence proof by example, I can deal with it only with
substantial inconvenience; if I want to know what, for example, 0xe4
0xa2 0x81 represents, I have to convert to binary, extract the relevant
bits, paste them back together to get 4881, go to my Unicode
documentation directory, find the PDF containing that codepoint
(U3400.pdf for that example), page through it until I find the page
bearing 4881 (at ca. five seconds per page) and find the character.
(In the case of 4881, this would take minutes, at least; I actually
would probably stop upon discovering it's a CJK glyph, as I know only a
bare handful of them.)

As a further existence proof by example, consider this list, for which
this very thread indicates UTF-8-encoded Unicode is not suitable.

/~\ The ASCII				  Mouse
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 X  Against HTML		mouse at rodents-montreal.org
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