[rescue] Some HW/SW I need...

Earl Baugh earl at baugh.org
Sat Jul 1 16:13:45 CDT 2017

I rescued some equipment from a local company and I'm happy with what I
got, but need a few other pieces to flush things out.

First : Snap SAN Server (either S2000 or N2000).
They pulled all the drives (not a big surprise) which looks like it means
that I also lost the Guardian OS this thing needs to run.
I've tried to download an image...found a backdoor to the Adaptec ftp site
and found one password protected download that looked
right... after breaking the password it unpacked but didn't load because
said wasn't properly signed.  Given how I dug it up, not
completely surprised. :-)    I'm looking for either a 4.4XX version or a
5.XXX version (those look like the latest for it... but I'll take
a 3.XXX version... just want to find something to allow this boot.)

Second, Need more RAM for this puppy.  Right now it has 2GB but can take up
to 12 sticks (so that would be 24GB).  Not sure if it can take 4 GB sticks
yet.  But I'd be happier with something closer to 24 than 2.

Third:  Got a couple Dell Servers and settled on the Poweredge 860 ( to
replace an old rack mounted PC that gave up the ghost)
I'll save 3U (which will let me fit the Snap which is 2U, and a
combo-keyboard-monitor slide out shelf that I also picked up... always
wanted one of those as well.  But would like to flush out the memory to 8GB
on this box (I have 4 gb now).  From what I'm reading,
it looks like I need this : 2048MB-667MHz DDR2-667 PC2-5300, 240p DIMM,
ECC, 1.8v

I've got stuff to trade of course.. some stuff from the recent pick up
(including some  Dell Servers, a couple SGI SAN Trays, some Fortigate
311Bs, an IBM SAN rack, a BladeCenter (already picked up 3 of these...got
another still to pick up.. and blades...)


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