[rescue] ISO: Terak 8510/a Keyboard and Monitor

Josh Dersch derschjo at gmail.com
Sat Jun 18 23:00:10 CDT 2016

Hi all --

At long last my Terak 8510/a is working again!  I'd repaired the power 
supply a couple of years back but the system simply would not behave 
properly.  I traced it down to some very unreliable IC sockets (they 
were not high-quality when they were new, and the damp environment this 
particular machine spent several years in before I got it did nothing to 
help).  I finally replaced about 40 sockets with some nice turned-pin 
ones last week, and now the system is up and running and passing the 
System Acceptance Tests with flying colors.

I do not have a keyboard or monitor for this system, and while it's 
pretty easy to fabricate replacements (the video's just standard 
composite, and the keyboard is an 8-bit parallel ASCII keyboard with a 
few extra special keys) I'd love to find a set of originals.

If anyone has any spares in any condition, please drop me a line. (I'm 
also interested in tracking down an original single-density floppy 
controller just on the off chance...)

- Josh

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