[rescue] FS: (PURGE) all sorts of classic computer parts, computers, networking, ink/toner, etc

rescue rescue at hawkmountain.net
Sat Jun 11 00:21:54 CDT 2016

I would recommend the SZ give that CPU.  Sun redesigned the side vent 
panels on the SS20 due to heat issues with things like the ZX 

I have a set in the list.

Though, if memory is serving me correct, there may have been 3 
different SS20 cases....

The original with the more restrictive vents and the slim cd-rom drive.
An updated version with better venting
And finally the updated case that allowed for a full height cd rom 

And if I'm right, the updated case that allowed for a full size cd-rom 
drive has better vents.

That is the piece I'm unsure of... if the revised vents were for the 
first case with the slim cd-rom drive, or the second case.  I'd have to 
go look at at a 20 I have along with the side vent set I have.

I'll see if I can figure that out and post more data if someone doesn't 
beat me to it first :-)

-- Curt

On 2016-06-10 20:47, J. Alexander Jacocks wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 5:13 PM, C	ric Bertrand 
> <eric.ricomac at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Oki, mine is a mono Ross Hypersparc 200mhz, zx, 256MB ram. Thinking 
>> to add
>> more if needed. Looking to got him a usefull life. If I could run 
>> the zx
>> buffer on openbsd, this will be a nice idea. I know that the zx heat 
>> more
>> than the sx but it have more ummmph.
> Eric,
> If you're going to run a Hypersparc 200 and a zx, be aware that there 
> are
> significant heat problems, in the SS20 case.  See
> http://mbus.sunhelp.org/systems/sun/ss20.htm#h.
> - Alex
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