[rescue] Looking for Sun Type 5 keyboard

Ryan Curtin ryan at ratml.org
Sun Dec 4 21:30:37 CST 2016

Hi there,

Who's got a Sun Type 5 keyboard?  I need one with the cable for a
SPARCstation 20 I'm trying to bring back to life.  I'll pay shipping +
what you want for it.  Or, um, I can trade you some broken ethernet

I guess Type 6 is fine too as long as it's not the USB version.

Also on the miscellaneous looking-for list (I know, not Sun stuff, but I
thought I'd toss it out there and see what turned up):

 * SGI Octane power supply
 * SGI Octane RAM
 * SCSI drives with the 80-pin SCA connector
 * 386 and 486 motherboards



Ryan Curtin    | "We need some time for some things to happen!"
ryan at ratml.org |   - Bells

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