[rescue] [off-topic] What was this markup language?

Jerry Kemp sun.mail.list47 at oryx.us
Tue Dec 8 19:57:47 CST 2015

FrameMaker is still great.  I'm an admin, but I still do the bulk of my 
documentation in FrameMaker.  And what FrameMaker produces looks great!

I keep trying to convert over to InDesign, but it just hasn't happened yet. 
Plus, its hard to go back to a conventional desktop when you have X11 & are used 
to focus-follows-mouse.


On 12/ 8/15 01:27 PM, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> At previous employer we used FrameMaker for all project documentation, but we
> had a very special need - we would write one comprehensive manual, covering
> all features, then mark certain descriptions/sections as 'conditional', then
> print client-specific manuals. Our clients (RBOCs) would pick and choose which
> features they would fund, so their manuals only documented the features each
> company funded.
> FrameMaker was great, once you understood the model it worked with...
> Lionel
>> On Dec 8, 2015, at 11:20 AM, Laurence Brevard <brevard at 1or0.com> wrote:
>> FrameMaker was used for a lot of
>> documentation at Sun and is still used heavily for technical
>> documentation today.
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