[rescue] Dallas clock-chips, aka "NV"RAM chips

Peter Stokes peter at ashlyn.co.uk
Thu Sep 11 01:22:20 CDT 2014

Hi Carl

Are there ST parts which are compatible?

I bought some from Digikey recently and not expensive.

As you say no idea if Dallas are still making them.

Peter Stokes
Ashlyn Computer Services
Tel: 01636 627990
Mbl: 07977 532320

On 11 Sep 2014, at 02:25, Carl R. Friend <crfriend at rcn.com> wrote:

>   G'day,
>   Does anybody know if the old-school Dallas NVRAM/clock chip is still
> being manufactured, or have they gone the way of the dinosaur?  NOS
> isn't good enough as the blasted batteries have a shelf-life in addition
> to their "life under load".
>   I've got a small farm of SGI Indys here, of which two need to be
> "reprogrammed" with the MAC address every time the power quits for
> more than several seconds.
>   Or is it time to buy myself a Dremel and start doing physical mods
> to the dead chips?  ("When one has a Dremel, *everything* becomes
> compatible.")
>   I want to find the guy who came up with the embedded battery and
> hurt him.  Why not have the expendable be a separate component?
>   Cheers!
> +------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
> | Carl Richard Friend (UNIX Sysadmin)            | West Boylston       |
> | Minicomputer Collector / Enthusiast            | Massachusetts, USA  |
> | mailto:crfriend at rcn.com                        +---------------------+
> | http://users.rcn.com/crfriend/museum           | ICBM: 42:22N 71:47W |
> +------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
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