[rescue] Openboot Update needed for Netra X1

Jonathan Sturges jonathansturges at yahoo.com
Wed May 21 15:23:21 CDT 2014

>Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 14:36:37 -0400
>From: Lionel Peterson
<lionel4287 at gmail.com>
>To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
[rescue] Openboot Update needed for Netra X1
<CAODtm0qxA1aRGT4iD3aw5y_YqhCLVhHfDDzsJYq+VJFJKGNXMQ at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>Hello all,
>Well, I've gotten
Solaris 10 1/13 installed: and now I've got a
>strange issue - it seems the OS
throws out these error messages:
>     WARNING: ds1287_attach: Failed to add
high interrupt.
>     WARNING: ds1287_attach: Another instance is already
>It seems I need to update my OpenBoot PROM, this is what I
>have (notice the lack of a version number after 4.0):
>     Sun
Netra X1 (UltraSPARC-IIe 400MHz), No Keyboard
>     OpenBoot 4.0, 1024 MB
memory installed, Serial #50717018.
>     Ethernet address 0:3:ba:5:e1:5a,
Host ID: 8305e15a.

When you encounter a machine like this one, running the
initial OBP release, by all means make sure you update it, if possible. 
Especially if you will be changing CPUs.  Last time I had to replace the
failed system board in my SunBlade 2000, the replacement board came with an
ancient OBP that wasn't compatible with my 900Mhz CPUs.  Luckily I had a
750Mhz CPU laying around that I could use long enough to update OBP.

Glad you
were able to find the OBP patch you need!


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