[rescue] NIB Sparc 20's on the 'bay

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 15:37:28 CST 2013

Cute, but 32 MEG RAM, not the 32 Gig the eBay listing title implies. (Desc.
correctly says 32 Meg) and the CPU is about as slow as you could get for that

They would be fun novelties at around $100, but at almost $250 ($230 + $14
S/H) it heads off into the land of simply too expensive to justify (IMHO, YMMV

That's s lot of money for a minimally-spec'd sun4m system.


On Jan 21, 2013, at 2:37 PM, Christopher Purdy <escher.beretta.2112 at gmail.com>

> I just logged onto Nekochan for the first time in months and saw this link
> posted.
> Someone found a treasure trove of Suns.  Spac 20's NIB..  $230 each and
> there are 7 left...  Too bad I dont have any disposable income atm... this
> would be fun to have...
> --
> Christopher Purdy
> www.promethean-visions-com
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