[rescue] Looking for OS 9 for G3

Earl Baugh earl at baugh.org
Mon Dec 17 09:28:42 CST 2012

Figured I'd ping to ask if anyone has a copy of the install disk for OS 9
for a G3.   I've got a Beige G3 machine that I'm trying to get working... I
got the PRAM battery replaced, and HD replaced and I'm to the point where I
am trying to install an OS.   The problem is, the folks who gave it to me
couldn't find the install disk, so I'm somewhat stuck.   I can't find any
place to purchase one from, and images I've found from PirateBay, etc,
either don't work, or seem to be G4 based.

Does anyone have OS 9.X for a G3 that they could loan me, or
make available an image?   Apple doesn't sell it... so I'm not sure what
other options I have.   I looked on ebay as well, and just see G4



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