[rescue] Passing on some news..

Jerry Kemp sun.mail.list47 at oryx.cc
Fri Jun 17 23:38:21 CDT 2011

They seem to generally be pretty open minded.

The only reason I haven't spent more time with Illumos (vs Solaris 11
Express) is that I would miss encrypted ZFS file systems.

That aside, they seem to be the dominate Solaris derived based distro,
at least IMHO.

At $WORK, it will always be the commercial Unix with the commercial
support.  But at home, I am going to run what ever meets my needs.


On 06/17/11 23:19, Charles Monett wrote:
> On 6/18/2011 12:08 AM, Jerry Kemp wrote:
>> Probably a better option would be to see what the Illumos/OpenIndiana
>> people are doing.
> As in them being more forgiving than Oracle about supported platforms?
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