[rescue] Free SGI 1600 sw lcd

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Tue Jul 19 14:27:32 CDT 2011

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 11:27:02AM -0600, Richard wrote:
> In article <CAF_SE-CWKqH9YfdN2RFtjWLVgEzaSB2Jsi-P0-wH-15Vsw1cCw at mail.gmail.com>,
>     Robert Darlington <rdarlington at gmail.com> writes:
> > The adapter allows you to use a very proprietary monitor on ordinary VGA
> > video cards.
> I suspect its more the connector that's proprietary than the actual
> signalling. 

The connector isn't proprietary.

The signalling is proprietary, but not to that product so there are a
number of sources for chips to handle the conversion between OpenLDI and
DVI, especially since that standard seems to be used by a fairly large
number of laptops and TVs until recently (supposedly, both are starting
to move to displayport internally, but I don't know of specific models
that have done so yet).

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