[rescue] SCSI/IDE laptop adapters - alternate source "cheaper"

Justin Haynes justin at justinhaynes.com
Wed Feb 16 23:32:21 CST 2011

Hi, I'm Justin and I've just joined your 'rescue' list.
I was happy to stumble upon it as I was looking for
a century.co.jp CHB25INT adapter to allow a machine that
uses SCSI-2 (fast scsi) 50 pin 2.5" drives to use a
2.5" IDE drive instead.  I found this thread and decided
to reply to it.  Maybe some of you have been here long
enough that your clients will still show this as part of
an extinct thread from 4 1/2 years ago.  :-)

Does anyone happen to still have any CHB25INT adapters on
hand?  I'm the proud owner of a SPARCbook 3gx on which
I am running OpenBSD 4.8 STABLE and I really want to
Install a 32GB IDE SDD drive I recently ordered.

I'm looking everywhere for these adapters, and if
I could stock up on about 3 of them (just in case)
I'd be delighted.

I recompiled the kernel so I could change the display
driver to do 32bpp, and the screen actually looks

I'd *love* to realize the 10MB/s possible throughput
to and from the drive and cut down on some of the
power consumption from the less efficient old
mechanical 1.2GB SCSI drive.

I'm also looking at having the battery recelled..

and 128MB of memory is on the way as soon as my
supplier can find it. He had 2 32's but I need 2

> Whoops - it's Arnie Ramirez - not Ernie (my mistake).
> Benjamin said they had 40 or 50 left.  He wasn't
> initially aware of them either until I explained what
> they were & that Arnie had helped me before.  I think
> he then went & talked to Arnie 'cause I was on hold
> for a while. They were mainly for Mac stuff, but I
> found them 3 or 4 years ago when I was looking for a
> way to get bigger disks in my PrecisionBook.

> I'm not sure exactly how big a disk they'll handle -
> probably 80-100gb, maybe more - biggest I've used so
> far is 40gb.

> regards
> steve

--- der Mouse <mouse at Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA
<http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue>> wrote:

*>* These are the guys I called and was told they not
*>* only didn't carry the

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