[rescue] Identify this Sunish Serial Cable Splitter...

Dave Fischer dave at cca.org
Wed Sep 29 10:59:29 CDT 2010

mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG writes:

>> This is the a/b serial port on the Themis SPARC board I have.  I
>> believe it's the same.

>> 	http://www.cca.org/d/themis-serial.jpg

>That looks like a DA-size shell to me.

>Fascinating.  Never seen that connector before.

>Another piece of SPARC hardware I need to track down one of. :)

I ran across one of those plugs that I *think* was from a Cisco cable.

(The cable had been cut up, so I'm not positive what was on the other
end, but I have reason to suspect it was V.35.)

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------

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