[rescue] Easiest way to run an old Sparc binary on another unix?

Steven M Jones smj+rescue at crash.com
Fri Oct 29 16:20:08 CDT 2010

Jonathan J. M. Katz wrote:
> You can't run sparc binaries on an x86 platform, at least not with
> OpenBSD emulation. You can run Solaris/x86, SCO, etc.

Yeah, when Ethan listed the machines they always have running I noticed 
the lack of anything identified as SPARC.

I can't figure out from a quick glance at the web pages if Matt 
Fredette's emulator tme has to be run on SPARC hardware or not. It does 
have to run NetBSD on the emulated machine, from what I see. So run 
SomeBSD/x86 under VMware to run NetBSD/sparc under tme, which then runs 
the Solaris binary with the compatibility option... easy as pie!

Link for tme: http://people.csail.mit.edu/fredette/tme/

Just an idea,

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