[rescue] Sun in the Tron Legacy trailer

Dave Fischer dave at cca.org
Wed Mar 10 21:16:24 CST 2010

lorddoomicus at mac.com writes:

>On Mar 10, 2010, at 1:48 AM, Ian Finder wrote:

>> Funny.
>> The computers in the trailer are Cray YMP-ELs.
>> Shouldn't they be running UNICOS?
>> Where did the props dept. get those? :)

>Yes, they should be running UNICOS ... and I'd like to know where they got them as I'd like to get my ( a preferably running ) one.

Those were the first things I noticed in the trailer, so I downloaded
the HD version and grabbed a frame... they look like rough mockups
to me. Aside from the little door on the front not being there, and
the sides not being quite right... they're at least a foot too short,


------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------

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