[rescue] Have: SGI L/XL/Onyx spares, want Atari Mega

r.stricklin bear at typewritten.org
Mon May 11 01:50:42 CDT 2009

On May 10, 2009, at 7:32 PM, Ian Finder wrote:

> Anyone got an infinitereality powerboard set, a VCAM board, or the
> front keyswitch panel for a deskside?

Is it the actual keyswitch/operator panel from above the drive bays  
you need? I am not aware that there is an IR specific rev of this, but  
I probably have one on a junked chassis I can pull for you.

I have lots of spare VCAMs (including the correct rev for IR) and SCIP  
MEZZ (extra SCSI channels for IO4). Also, a few FDDI MEZZ base boards  
(which need media interface daughterboards to be useful).

Interested parties may have as many as their heart desires, for  
totally cheap. Contact me offlist.


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