[rescue] ##$$# B&W Mac issue

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Feb 18 17:58:02 CST 2009

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 08:35:08PM -0500, Erie Patsellis wrote:
> Ok, I have a B&W G3 mac running os 9, out of the blue today, it booted  
> up, no extensions load, informs me on reboot that the system folder must  
> contain system and finder, etc...only problem is I can't find my damn OS  
> 9.1 CD, by any chance does anybody know of an ISO I can get my hands on?  
> (No, OSX isn't an option, I have software I run for a scanning camera  
> back that has to run on OS9 only).
> Any suggestions, other than booting the darn thing out the second story  
> window and seeing how large of a scatter pattern it will make? (lotsa  
> plastic, should be good for at least 10' diameter)

BTW this was hung up in the moderation queue; I just freed it up a few
minutes ago while upgrading Mailman.


Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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