[rescue] LaserJet 4 glitch

Erie Patsellis erie at shelbyvilledesign.com
Sun Oct 26 11:51:09 CDT 2008

HP uses opto isolators with a vane that indicates paper passage, the 
vane moves out of the way, IIRC. With a #2 Phillips screwdriver, an 
hours time and the slightest of mechanical aptitude, you can clean the 
entire printer, which typically resolves the phantom paper jam error 
(dust gets on the opto isolator), while you're at it, I'd replace the 
output delivery rollers, around $15 from the printer works. 
*http://www.theprinterworks.com *(see same source for exploded drawings, 
and any part on about any Canon base printer), they also have a complete 
roller kit for about $50, in my experience, it makes a tired old 4+/4m+ 
work like new.


wa2egp at att.net wrote:
> -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: Phil Stracchino <alaric at metrocast.net>
>> hike wrote:
>>> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Phil Stracchino <alaric at metrocast.net>wrote:
>>>> My trusty Laserjet 4M Plus (now something like 14 years old) has
>>>> developed a minor but annoying problem.  Every time it first warms up
>>>> from power-saving mode to begin a print job, it is convinced that it has
>>>> a paper jam.  99 times out of 100, it's imagining it.  Simply opening
>>>> and closing the top cover without touching anything else clears the
>>>> problem, and it goes on to print without further ado.  Nevertheless,
>>>> it's annoying.
>>>> Has anyone else ever encountered this problem, and know the cure?
>>> The problem, from my experience is a worn, failing part.
>>> if it gives an error code, the code will give the problem and the hp printer
>>> book will give the fix.
>> Nope, no error code.  Just "Paper jam".
>>> if your hp has a metal frame, it is worth replacing the part.
>> It's a 14-year-old LaserJet 4 from when HP was still HP.  Of *course* it
>> has a metal frame.  :)
> Maybe the sensor that indicates a paper jam needs to be readjusted or replaced.  Just a thought.
> Bob
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