[rescue] how do I boot from cdrom on SUNPCI?

Francois Dion francois.dion at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 06:09:10 CST 2008

It's a sunpci3, I have the last sunpci software. I'm running on
solaris 10 u6 sparc, and did the ln -s trick on the solaris 9 drivers.
It boots and I can set up dr-dos or red hat. But I created instead an
empty image and I want to boot the sunpci from the cdrom so I can
install Solaris 10 x86.

There doesnt appear to be a command line option (or any way) to make
it boot from cdrom. Or from an iso. If I just launch sunpci, it
doesn't even try to boot from the cd, instead it tries to boot the
empty image.

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