[rescue] Radio...

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Fri May 16 17:47:48 CDT 2008

> I guess it could be, but there would be a lot of challenges (aside from the 
> illegal nature of the broadcast), namely securing SW equipment (broadcast band 
> equipment is much easier to get, AM & FM), arranging a suitable antenna, and 
> balancing the need to maintain some sort of schedule and not being predictable 
> enough to attract the attention of the FCC. I had thought about the idea (I've 
> always been interested in radio since I went to summer camp Shaw-Mi-Del-Eca[0] 
> in West Virginia (over the hill from The Greenbriar Resort, the off-site 
> recovery site for US Gov't in case of attack[1]), and they had an AM carrier 
> current transmitter[2]...), but my thought never went beyond the theoretical...
> Lionel

Depends.  There are a lot of old AM "boat anchors" that can pump out about 100 watts or more on the short wave bands.  A dipole antenna could be enough.  How much coverage (and notice) is the deciding factor.


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