[rescue] Small servers (was Re: WTT: 1.5G of PC2700 for 1G of PC100)

Phil Stracchino alaric at metrocast.net
Tue May 13 12:28:05 CDT 2008

der Mouse wrote:
>> It's actually pretty easy to make serious algorithm mistakes.
> One of my "favourite"s:
> 	for (x = 0; x < strlen(s); x ++)
> 		...

yeah.  I've seen boneheadednesses like that.

   Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
   alaric at caerllewys.net   alaric at metrocast.net   phil at co.ordinate.org
          Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, Free Stater
                  It's not the years, it's the mileage.

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