[rescue] Small servers (was Re: WTT: 1.5G of PC2700 for 1G of PC100)

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at zill.net
Sun May 4 10:28:41 CDT 2008

Patrick Finnegan wrote:

> I'd second that.  Having used Dell, HP, IBM, and Sun x86 boxes at work, 
> Sun's lights-out management is by far the best of the bunch.  The bios 
> sending stuff out the serial port even works "properly;" it doesn't 
> just continuously dump the video memory out to the serial port.  It 
> sends just the proper update when things write stuff out to the 
> screeen, and IIRC, the cursor on your terminal actually follows the one 
> on the display.

Also:  HP requires you to "license" the iLO stuff which means keeping 
track of separate documentation and license strings.  While Sun just has 
the capability right there, with no licensing crap.


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