[rescue] FW: WTT: 1.5G of PC2700 for 1G of PC100

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Sat May 3 12:15:58 CDT 2008

>From: Shannon Hendrix <shannon at widomaker.com>
>Date: 2008/05/02 Fri PM 11:55:53 CDT
>To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [rescue] FW: WTT: 1.5G of PC2700 for 1G of PC100


>The project is to build a tiny dedicated server, and by tiny I mean  
>I'd like it to be as small as no bigger than a small switch... 2  
>inches high, 6x6 or something.
>Notebook drive and/or flash storage.
>Ideally it would not have a wal-wart either, and I really want it to  
>have gigabit ethernet if possible.

Intel Little Valley D201GLY2A [0] might be a good choice - it runs about $70, takes up to 2 Gig of RAM, has dual SATA connectors, and a gigabit Ethernet card can be added to the PCI slot. Depending on use, a multi-port Ethernet card could be added instead...

2x6x6 might be tough - esp. without a wall-wart, but small is doable - the SATA connectors on the Intel MB can mate to SATA laptop drives, and with suitable power adapters, you would be in business. The Intel board also does 64-bit OS, though the graphics on-board can be a challenge for Solaris/Linux (you need to choose VESA mode, as the default drivers are not good over 800x600).

I'm sorry if I've become a broken record on this little board, I really like it. I just got a nice $50 case from newegg - it has room for 2x 3 1/2" drives, a 5 1/4" optical drive, a decent PS and room for a mATX board.[1]


[0] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813121333

[1] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811121027

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