[rescue] Deciding how to place machines in a rack...

Patrick Finnegan pat at computer-refuge.org
Wed Mar 5 16:47:09 CST 2008

On Wednesday 05 March 2008, Sridhar Ayengar wrote:
> One thing to which I can attest:
> At work, I had a rack with a bunch of 4U machines in the top and
> louvered doors, front and back.  There was a bunch of unused space in
> the bottom.  I was getting thermal alarms from the machines.  One of
> my cow-orkers suggested putting blanking panels in the bottom of the
> rack. The extra isolation between the front and back of the rack was
> enough to keep the alarms from going off.

Populating the rack from the top down can cause other issues too, like 
tipping over and crushing things if you bump into the rack, or there's 
an earthquake, or you pull one machine out, or ...

Purdue University Research Computing ---  http://www.rcac.purdue.edu/
The Computer Refuge                  ---  http://computer-refuge.org

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