[rescue] Miscellaneous rescue items

Ian Finder ian.finder at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 22:06:52 CST 2008

Sorry I'm on my blackberry so I think all I can do is reply to the
list. I'd like to claim the NeXTstation- is the monitor bright though?
Either way, please email me a suggested price as I'm definitely
interested in the NeXT slab.


- Ian Finder
i a n . f i n d e r @ g m a i l . c o m

On 1/26/08, Zach Lowry <zach at zachlowry.net> wrote:
> Make an offer / claim on the following:
> 2x (dead) Dell PE2550s, good for parts. One has a RAID key + battery
> + memory.  have sleds, power supplies, CD-ROMs, etc.
> Old Compaq Proliant 5000. This is big and heavy. I have a bunch of
> the old tan Compaq sleds, and an external SCSI JBOD for it.
> 2x Sun Vixel FC100 Hubs
> 2x Sun A5200 Rack Kits
> 1x Rack Shelf for Vixel Hubs
> 1x NeXTStation w/ Monitor. This is the old 25MHz B&W one. No hard drive.
> 1x Cobalt Qube, 64MB, 20G Hard Disk.
> 1x Sun 3/60, dual color and B&W video, 20MB ram.
> If no one wants any of this it'll end up in the trash sooner or later.
> --Zach
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   Ian Finder
   ian.finder at gmail.com
   finder | solutions - IT on your terms

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