[rescue] Cheap, fast, PC server

Aaron Finley nerp at atfinley.com
Fri Feb 29 19:17:18 CST 2008

Aaron Finley wrote:
> I'm looking for a cheap PC to act as a server, meaning something under a 
> $1000. Dell's octocore SC1430 fit the bill, but that offer seems no 
> longer. Anyone know if it will come back around again?
> My final configuration needs to be something like:
> - Quiet (will be behind a couch in my living room)
> - Dual core/quad core
> - 12-16GB of RAM
> - 200-300GB of Storage (can be cheap SATA, this is a home testbed)

I ended up doing pretty well. The final config:

The server:

Octocore AMD Opteron 2.4GHZ (4x Dual Core 2.4GHZ 880)
24GB of RAM (8 slots per CPU on this mobo, so I was able to go pretty 
cheap with 1GB DIMMs)
5x 73GB 15K  (Database drives)
1x 146GB 10K (Swap and system)
Redundant Power

The backup box:

Dell Dual Xeon 2.4ghz w/ 1GB RAMBUS (Precision 530, picked up for 10 bucks)
SATA controller card
750GB Western Digital SATA

Replaced the UPS battery in my Smart UPS 1000 (that I'd picked up for 
$5) for $30.

Total cost came out around $1500.

-- Aaron

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