[rescue] NASA JPL goodies for auction

Erie Patsellis erie at shelbyvilledesign.com
Tue Feb 20 19:18:27 CST 2007

Ethan, email me...


Ethan O'Toole wrote:

>I used to do the NASA Langley auctions. At first it was sealed bid and I'd
>go up there. Then after I got a job there, they changed their setup and
>went to the online system. I remember going over there and looking at
>Challenge L desksides... when you open the front door it was cobwebs, not
>a card in it... then I'd see it go for $500+ online, as someone thought
>they were getting a full system.
>Beware! Inspect IRL if you can.
>I had found a bug in the Gsaauctions.gov that would let me see the high
>bidders email, but I don't remember it exactly. I warned a few people.
>The internet took the fun out of it for me... Just couldn't compete with
>the high paid California people and stuff ( I was making like $35K as a
>UNIX system admin there... I actually was an admin on a 96 proc Origin
>3800 ). Fun times, indeed.
>I should probably start looking at them, but these days I'm more
>interested in PLCs and pnumatic and linear slides and automation stuff.
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