[rescue] SGI Impact 10000

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Thu Aug 16 15:37:57 CDT 2007

On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, Robert Darlington wrote:

> Oh god, I forgot about the installer.  I used to do it every few days
> at a previous job but I remember the first time.  I remember it took
> several sessions involving profanity.  I would never wish it on
> somebody that hasn't worked with another admin.

If you do network installs, you can mitigate a lot of that.  I
disremember the specifics, but I moved all the dist files into one NFS
share and modified some of the rules files so that exactly what I wanted
installed would be selected by "install default ; go".  That greatly
reduced my interactions with miniroot inst and eliminated the most
irritating part of the installation:  shoving disc after disc at the
machine repeatedly.

Jonathan Patschke     )
Elgin, TX            (      "I detest logging filesystems."
USA                   )                    --Linus Torvalds

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