[rescue] Anyone want Dell PowerEdges?

John Francini francini at mac.com
Fri Nov 3 06:16:35 CST 2006

I think too many people's brains did an automatic scaling factor on 
those last two.  If I see 3 digits of speed with xhz there, my brain 
automatically substitutes an "m" for the "g".


At 1:46 -0500 11/3/06, Aaron Finley wrote:
>  > - PowerEdge 1650 1x1.26ghz 1.5GB RAM 36GB 10K, AccuRide Rails
>>  - PowerEdge 1550 2x1ghz 1GB RAM 36GB 10K
>>  - PowerEdge 1550 2x933ghz 1GB RAM 36GB 10K W2K 5CAL AE
>>  - PowerEdge 1550 2x933ghz 1GB RAM 36GB 10K
>I'm surprised nobody has commented on the speed of the last two. Very, very
>fast. Must be a slow night.
>-- Aaron
>rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

John Francini, francini at mac.com

"The journey is more important than the destination-that's part of 
life. If you only live for getting to the end, you're almost always 
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