[rescue] Biggest drives (and SVM) in a U60?

Mike Meredith very at zonky.org
Tue May 23 13:24:20 CDT 2006

On Tue, 23 May 2006 13:47:49 -0400, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> There is much I grok not about ZFS.  What is so conceptually different
> about booting off a ZFS filesystem?  Or, to put it another way, what
> is it about a ZFS filesystem that makes it difficult to boot from
> without cheating?

The secondary boot loader understands Solaris UFS but not ZFS which
makes it somewhat tricky to load the kernel. Changing the boot loader to
understand ZFS is the obvious fix, but it may not be that easy as ZFS is
almost certainly more complex and larger than UFS (it does after all
include more RAID stuff than UFS). Making the boot loader larger is
probably something that Sun doesn't want to do ("You can upgrade to
Solaris 11, but you'll have to reformat all your disks").

Of course I'm guessing on some of this :)

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