[rescue] Strange Apple Cable up for grabs

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sat Jun 3 15:35:43 CDT 2006

On Sat, 3 Jun 2006, Darryl Barile wrote:

> I was going through my cable closet today and found this.
> http://home.interserv.com/~dbarile/Apple%20Cable.JPG
> I know this is a Sun list, but I know there are a few Apple fans here.
> I can't remember what it is for, but if you need it email me offlist.

That appears to be the cable one would use to plug an "AV" series Mac
monitor (ie: like would've shipped with the PM[678]100AV) into a non-AV
Mac's monitor, microphone, headphone, and ADB ports.

Jonathan Patschke   )  "The telephone is an antiquity...it is an
Elgin, TX          (   outmoded device which constantly disrupts
USA                 )  work."        --Ralf Huetter of Kraftwerk

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