[rescue] Bulk Eraser suggestions?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Tue Jul 25 11:50:24 CDT 2006

>From: Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net>
>Date: 2006/07/25 Tue AM 11:03:18 CDT
>To: geeks at sunhelp.org, rescue at sunhelp.org
>Subject: [rescue] Bulk Eraser suggestions?

>I need to, as cheaply as possible, borrow/rent/buy a bulk eraser that will
>handle (few hundred) 8mm DAT and (20-30) DLT-III tapes, letting us
>get them done in an afternoon (e.g., continuous duty cycle).

Microwave oven? (or do you need to reuse the tapes? ;^)

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