[rescue] SGI/Clariion 5400 question

John Mothershead john at backyardtech.com
Fri Jan 6 11:21:39 CST 2006

At 06:08 PM 1/5/2006, you wrote:
>I have a SGI branded Clariion 5400, with the "thor" controllers. I
>need a db9 to SC dup media adapter and sc dup to sc dup fiber to
>connect this to my e5000 and I'll need an SPS with serial connection
>to get the write cache going, but before I sink more money in it, I
>just want to make sure it works.
>When I connect to either serial ports I get this:
>Copyright (c) CLARiiON Storage Systems, Inc. 1991 - 1998
>Disk Array Subsystem Controller
>Model 5400
>Firmware Revision 04.23 - Sep 22,1998
>Verifying Firmware revision
>Initializing back end FIBRE...
>Starting FLARE ...
>Copyright (c) CLARiiON Storage Systems, Inc.   1991 - 1998
>                         LICENSED INTERNAL CODE
>This software ("Code"), considered "Licensed Internal Code",
>is the exclusive property of CLARiiON Storage Systems, Inc.  This
>Code may be used only by users properly licensed to use this Code,
>and only according to the terms of that license.  Use of this Code
>constitutes acceptance of those license terms, including the
>following:  (1) to use this Code only on the specific Machine(s),
>identified by serial number(s), to which the said license applies;
>(2) not to copy, reproduce, disassemble or decompile the Code by
>any means, in whole or in part, and (3) not to transfer the Code
>except together with (i) the Machine on which the use of the Code
>is licensed and (ii) the applicable Licensed Internal Code license
>terms and conditions (as stated in the Machine's user manual, and
>as available upon request from CLARiiON Storage Systems, Inc.,
>Coslin Drive, Southboro, MA 01772 (USA)).
>The Subsystem is Currently Powering Up...Please Wait!
>Entering Serial Application Mode
>Is that normal that it stops here?
>Also, all the drive leds are green but the yellow warning light in the
>front right is lighted, above the green led.
>Can I not get any command line interface on the serial port?
>rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

We have a couple of these, and that sounds like a normal boot. Once 
the system enters Serial Application Mode, it doesnt seem to log to 
the console anymore.

The following was sent to me by Ethan O'Toole and should help.

Can you try this:

(From Tek-Tips Forums on EMC gear):

There are two modes the serial port can be in.

Serial Application Mode (what your in)

where after post, it goes in to this mode, to allow for Management
Software communication...

Your looking for the FCLI...

Type: {}{}

That should break you out of SAM...

then type MENU
select FLARE
select option 5 (start flare)

that should get you to the FCLI prompt

As for the yellow lights, are both the power supplies plugged in?
Hope this helps.


John Mothershead
Backyard Technologies
Phn: 805.640.7231
Fax: 805.640.7621

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