[rescue] Power saving modes, was Re: advice on rescuing an e10k

Aaron Finley aaronfinley at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 00:45:57 CST 2006

> I wouldn't mind a 4550 or an 8550 myself.  When the money is there.
> I've seen theri current offerings.  Granted, I hear the toner is a lot
> cheaper.  But sheesh, they feel so cheap and plasticky ....

Absolutely. Love the reliability of my 4500.

I bought it several months ago for $100, as a 4500DN with 500-sheet feeder
and a duplexer and JetDirect. Good fuser and all toners.

Sold the feeder, duplexer, and JetDirect for $150 and took apart two more
4500s I found for their duplexers/trays, JetDirects, fusers, rollers, and

So as of now I have 8 toners, 3 fusers, and 3 roller/feeders (whatever they
are called). I'm tempted to buy a 3550, but I feel I've got "negative money"
in this 4500 and its working perfectly for me. I reduced
time-till-power-save from 30 mins to 1 min, we will see if that helps the
power bill. I print about 1000/pp month.

-- Aaron

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