[rescue] More students, looks like they're starting a rescue club

Wesley W. Will wwill at siu.edu
Mon Aug 14 13:42:41 CDT 2006

Hey all, I'm back.  Summer has been absolutely insane, and getting worse
all the time.

The Ultras I got earlier are up and trundling along, and we're having
great times with them.  Learning and piddling about, and even getting
some school work done on that software that so many said would be too
slow, go wintel instead....  Glad we didn't listen.

Anyway, they've attracted some attention and now I've got three more
students who would like to jump in the pool.  Anybody within driving
distance of southern Illinois (they like road trips, even with the price
of gas) with equipment to spare cheap/free?  Sweat equity stuff,
cosmetics is not an issue as long as it's not something resembling
road-kill, three systems to make one good one, whatever.  We're beggars,
not choosers.

Wes Will
Carbondale, IL

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