[rescue] your next Solaris machine ??? (Sol/x86 booting on iMac)

"Javi Mahai <lefa at ucsc.edu>" at ucsc.edu "Javi Mahai <lefa at ucsc.edu>" at ucsc.edu
Fri Apr 14 15:43:21 CDT 2006

On Fri, 14 Apr 2006 14:16:09 -0400
  Patrick Finnegan <pat at computer-refuge.org> wrote:

> Does non-embedded now mean it has to be able to run 
>Windows or MacOS??

Xbox360 runs a version of Windows, and the market 
potential for the Playstation3 and whatever the new 
nintendo is supposed to be, at least for me, mean that PPC 
is anything but dead. Apple was just not enough of a 
market to justify IBM investing in developing something 
like a G6, that is all..

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