[rescue] FS (historical?) PPro 180 or 200, with VRM

Phil Stracchino phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
Sat Apr 8 17:14:37 CDT 2006

Sridhar Ayengar wrote:
> Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. wrote:
>>Why not 1 12 drive RAID 5 ?
>>I have a 12 9G drive RAID 5 setup.... that's why I wonder pros/cons
>>of 12 drive raid 5 vs 2 6 drive raid 5's raid 0'd.
>>plus you'd get abt 73G more of space out of it that way.
> But, this way I can tolerate the loss of two drives.

As long as they're on separate RAIDs.

Personally, I just have twelve 36G drives striped RAID0 on my NFS
server.  It's big, it's fast, and if I lose a drive, well, everything's
backed up nightly to LTO anyway.

 Phil Stracchino                     Landline: 603-886-3518
 phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net         Mobile: 603-216-7037
 Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker, Free Stater

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