[rescue] WTB: K6-2+ or K6-3+ (and/or K62-500/550)

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Tue Sep 13 18:13:23 CDT 2005

On Mon, 2005-09-12 at 23:01, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. wrote:
> > I have a Cobalt Raq 3i... I've modified the mobo to give me BF0-BF2
> > jumpers... I haven't yet modified the mobo for selectable voltages...
> > 
> > So.. I'm looking for K6-2+, K6-3+, and K6-2 500 or 550 cpus to
> > experiment with different upgrades.  CPU voltage needs to be
> > between 2.0 and 2.3 volts.
> > 
> > If anyone has any of these available, let me know what you have
> > and what you want for it.
> > 
> > I also added the secondary IDE channel 40 pin header .... so my
> > Raq 3i is essentially a Raq 4r (I have a 400 mhz proc in now.. so
> > it's a Raq 4r minus 50 mhz :-) ).
> We have a spare K6-2/400, but that's the only extra K6 we have.  (And to
> be honest, I don't know where it is right now.)

Thanks... that is what I'm currently running in it...

It was a noticable jump up from the 300 (in theory 33%).  I have
a 450 on it's way to me ... but that increment will only be 12%
more than the 400... a 500/550 would show a better jump... and a
K6-2+ or K6-3+ (or even K6-3 but it might run too hot with that)
would show better, as it has built in L2 cache, and makes the
mainboard L2 cache an L3 cache.... more cache.. more performance...


  -- Curt

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