[rescue] I tried one last time ...

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Wed Oct 26 11:00:09 CDT 2005

Wed, 26 Oct 2005 @ 08:20 -0500, Wes Will said:

> Just sent one last broadside to Eaton/PowerWare, the latest owners of the
> Deltec company that used to be in the UPS business.  I asked most politely,
> pretty please, can't afford a new one, not any way to buy one of their new
> pretty toys, got a good old one (this sucker's built like a frimpin' tank),
> just need documentation on it to find the fault in the DC input side.

Which brand and model do you have exactly?

I have a Compaq T2000 which has also proven very hard to find manuals
for.  I found a Compaq quick guide, but that's about it.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["And in billows of might swell the Saxons
before her,-- Unite, oh unite!	Or the billows burst o'er her!" -- Downfall
of the Gael]

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