[rescue] using all three PCI slots in a U5?

FitzGerrell, Kevin (Kinleith) Kevin.FitzGerrell at chh.co.nz
Mon Oct 3 14:54:53 CDT 2005

Yes, all three slots are usable.  A few things to bear in mind:
Slot 2 can't take a full length card.  Slot 1 and 3 can take full length
cards, but a full length card in slot 1 will be VERY close to the CPU
heat sink, depending on the component height on the card may even touch,
i.e.. SunPCi card.

It should be slots 1 and 2 that will end up with their tabs overlapping
-- this works just fine.


Kevin FitzGerrell
Process Control Group
Ph: 07 886 3696
Mobile: 0274 864 576

-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 08:34:18 -0700
From: "James Hartley" <jjhartley at att.net>
Subject: [rescue] using all three PCI slots in a U5?
To: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Message-ID: <001f01c5c82f$ee9e7f70$3ec0480c at aluminum>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

The Ultra 5 has a vertical riser card where two PCI slots are are on one
side and the third is on the other side.  Slots 2 & 3 are on opposite
sides of the rise such that the tails of the cards have to each slide
down into opposite sides of the same tab.  Did this really work?  Were
all three slots usable with this design?



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