[rescue] HP Drive Caddies

Clemson, Chris Chris.Clemson at softwareag.co.uk
Wed Nov 23 03:49:14 CST 2005

Not exactly old, but  you crazy people running cast-off servers might
have a use for them:

I have 2 * HP Drive Caddies,  says "72.8Gb 15k Ultra230 SCSI" on each.
Spare :289243-001
Picture here:
and here: http://www.aaserverparts.com/compaq/142673.jpg

Brand new with screws, were still sealed until I undid the bags to get
the drives out.
(there's no way I'm getting rid of the drives they contained!)
They aren't particularly heavy, so I don't have a problem posting them.
Offers or swapsies.


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