[rescue] FS: NetApp Shelf, Sun multi-pack and Portmaster2

Jeff Cole jeff at flambe.org
Wed Jun 29 10:36:01 CDT 2005

Netapp shelf
4 * 36gb drives
1 * 9gb.

Comes with PCI FC/AL controller, 4 wire Fibre Channel cable, and a 
maintenance kit that has some extra parts. Drivers for Linux and Windows 
are available.

This thing is crazy heavy and sounds like a jet engine. If you're 
interested in this thing, it might be cheaper to pick it up from me 
locally. I'm approx. 1/2 way between Baltimore and DC, and work in 
Northern VA. I'll meet 1/2 way if you want. Say as far west as the 
VA/WVA line, and as far north as York, PA maybe?

I'd like $150, but at this point, I just want to get rid of it, so, make 
an offer

Sun Multi-pack. I think it's the 611 model, but, I'm not entirely sure. 
Powers up, but makes my Ultra60 hang if attached, so, whether or not it 
actually works, I don't know.

$10 + shipping or best offer.

Portmaster2 PM-2E. 4MB of ram, 30 async ports. I was going to use this 
as a console server, but, just never got around to it. In good working 
condition, has the latest version of firmware available for the PM-2E.

$25 + shipping or best offer.

I'll be shipping from the 21144 area.

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