[rescue] Apple to ditch IBM, switch to Intel chips

Atom rescue at port11.net
Fri Jun 17 08:29:35 CDT 2005

On Jun 17, 2005, at 8:27 AM, William Enestvedt wrote:

> Phil asked:
>> Anyone remember when copy protection was REALLY bad back
>> about the late 1980s?
>    What, like requiring you to type in answers from the manual [Sim
> Earth, I believe -- which, when I lost the manual, I just dug out with
> ResEdit], or using a colored (non-photo blue?) plastic filter to read
> some text from a card that needed to be entered to install or  
> launch the
> game?
>    Man, those were the days...

Or the spinny wheel for monkey island. Just had to xerox it and voila  

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