[rescue] Apple to ditch IBM, switch to Intel chips

Micah R Ledbetter vlack-lists at vlack.com
Fri Jun 3 22:31:34 CDT 2005

On Jun 3, 2005, at 20:29, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:

> Apple Computer plans to announce Monday that it's scrapping its
> partnership with IBM and switching its computers to Intel's
> microprocessors, CNET News.com has learned.

Does anyone actually believe this? I mean, the article has no  
information on the validity of the "sources"; why was this posted on  
MacNN and everything?
If this happened, I would be so confused...

> Good news rescuer's!  Those G5's will be cheaper soon.

Unlikely. I'm sure that they'd be hoarded and retain value for a long  
time, were Apple to make the, err, "switch".

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