[rescue] My new UltraSparc 5's, also my first Sun stations

Meelis Roos mroos at linux.ee
Thu Jun 2 09:14:25 CDT 2005

>> I see pci slots lurking back here, is it possible for me to get a
>> couple USB PCI cards and throw them in there?
> Yes. I used a USB 1.1 PCI card in my U5 / U10. Meanwhile I replaced it with
> a USB 2.0 PCI card.

Same with Linux, USB cards just worked in my U5.

> This may work. Note that you will not be able to use the USB keyboard
> for the PROM console. I don't know about Linux. NetBSD sould have no
> problem using USB keyboards and mice for OS console and X11. NetBSD uses
> an abstraction layer for wscons(4), wskbd(4) and wsmouse(4). So a user

Same for Linux - Sun, PS2, USB, ADB, ... keyboards all interface the 
generic input subsystem and provide keyboard input. Virtual terminal, X 
and other apps can use then independently of keyboard type.

But yes, PROM console will not work because the PROM does not know USB 
keyboards. Put a serial console in place too for PROM access.

Meelis Roos (mroos at linux.ee)

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