[rescue] Type 3 / Type 4 Keyboards

Janet Campbell janet at foonly.com
Mon Dec 12 17:05:15 CST 2005

On Mon, 12 Dec 2005, der Mouse wrote:

>> Looking for one of the old Sun 3 -> Sun 4 keyboard adapters or the
>> DB15->mini DIN cables if anyone has one for sale/trade?
> Is this a new (miniDIN-8) keyboard on an old (DA15) machine, or the
> other way around?  I've made numerous adapters for old keyboards on
> new machines (since for my own use I consider the type-3 the one good
> keyboard Sun made).  I've never made an adapter the other way around,
> but I wouldn't expect it to be any harder.

Sun made an adapter to fit the minidin-8 keyboards onto the DA15 systems - they 
shipped them with the 4/100's, I believe, to connect to the (then new) type-4 
keyboards.  I've used the same cable on other older Suns (like my dual-headed 
3/60 with a P4 GX that ran Xkernel).  I don't know the part number off hand, 
but I did throw one of these cables out in my last move. :-/

Oh, and you can't use a 4800bps mouse on systems this old - a shame, really, 
the responsiveness is so much nicer.


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