[rescue] Is my SS20 fubar?

Michael-John Turner mj at turner.org.za
Fri Aug 5 00:35:48 CDT 2005

Hi all,

A few months back I managed to bend one of the pins on the PROM of one of
my SS20s, with the result that the machine wouldn't start up correctly. It
would power on and remain on, but the case LED would not stay on (it would
just flash briefly when I flipped the power switch and then go off) and
nothing would appear on the serial console.

This week I received a new PROM from Mike N., but things are still the
same. I've swapped the CPU (used a known good SM61 or SM40) and RAM
(known good single 16M or 32M DSIMM in J201). I've also done a Stop-N to
reset the PROM and Stop-D to boot with full diagnostics. When I do a
Stop-D, the keyboard lights flash, as per the maintenance manual, but
there's no indication of where the problem lies (ie none of the keyboard
LEDs stay on, etc). Nothing appears on the serial console.

Any ideas on this one? Have I hosed this poor machine? It was working
fine before I took the PROM out (to put in a new one, which I didn't
realise was missing a pin!).

Michael-John Turner | http://weblogs.turner.org.za/mj/
mj at turner.org.za    | Open Source in WC ZA - http://www.clug.org.za/

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